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*We have latest sdk placed in D:\apache-royale-0.9.3-bin-js-swf

We have 3 Apache Royale Projects :  
   * We have two library Projects:
   1.   D:\DBIZLib

   * We have our Royale Project using above mentioned Libraries
   3.   D:\DBIZSOL\Main\Royale

* We have our server side(Java Project)

Compilation Steps are :
1. Go to D:\DBIZLib\src in Command Prompt execute command ant 
2. Go to D:\DBIZCOMLIB\src in Command Prompt execute command ant 
3. Go to D:\DBIZSOL\Main\Royale in Command Prompt execute command ant 

Refresh the Java Side SHMA Project in eclipse and run the project on server

launch the url on chrome browser : http://localhost:8080/SHMA/index.html

application login id :         SUPER
application login password :   SUPER
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